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Rod Taylor

Christian Heritage Leader

Rod Taylor's "A+" score as a party leader is based on assessment of his personal leadership on 9 measurement categories relating to policy, voting, or actions, summarized as follows:

Summary of Actions

Voting Record

Since Rod Taylor has never been elected to public office, there is no voting record for us to assess.

Sanctity of Life

Taylor is an exceptional pro-life activist who believes in protecting every human life from conception to natural death.

On the issue of abortion, Taylor holds no exceptions whatsoever for the so-called “hard cases” which some people claim justifies the killing of an innocent child in the womb. In the often cited “rape” exception, Taylor recognizes that it is fundamentally unjust to pass a death sentence on an innocent preborn baby as a result of the crime committed by her father.

On euthanasia, Taylor likewise recognizes that a moral society cannot permit any exceptions to the Fifth Commandment, Thou Shall Not Kill. And therefore, he believes that euthanasia should be recriminalized so that doctors are no longer authorized by the State to kill patients.

Marriage & the Family

The CHP Leader believes that marriage can only be the union of one man plus one woman to the exclusion of all others. He understands that marriage is a natural institution pre-dating government, and designed by God for the procreation and nurturing of children, and for the mutual good of the spouses.

Taylor understands that marriage is about attaching mothers and fathers to their children and to one another. He believes that at its heart, the institution of marriage is concerned with providing stability to children and ensuring that their mothers and fathers are committed to the offspring from their union.

Transgender Ideology

Taylor is totally opposed to the radical, philosophical theories of gender identity and gender expression. He would repeal Bill C-16, the Trudeau legislation which enshrined the un-scientific theory of gender identity in our laws.

Gay Pride Parades

As a Christian leader who adheres to biblical teaching on human sexuality, Taylor is totally opposed to homosexual pride celebrations, and would never march in such a parade.

Open Nominations

Taylor supports open CHP nominations to the extent that all nomination candidates respect and adhere to the foundational, Judeo-Christian principles of the party.

Free Speech

Taylor is a strong advocate for the constitutional right to freedom of expression. He is keenly aware that free speech is under assault by radical leftists.

In fact, Taylor’s party went to court to defend its right to freedom of expression after the City of Hamilton, ON took down a CHP political ad on a bus shelter. The ad criticized Trudeau’s gender identity law, Bill C-16, over the fact that the legislation allows biological males to access intimate female space such as bathrooms, change rooms and showers.

The CHP won the lawsuit on the grounds of free speech.


Taylor is strongly opposed to the legalization of this dangerous and addictive mind-altering drug. He would repeal Justin Trudeau’s bill C-45 which decriminalized marijuana.

Parental Rights

Taylor has been a long-time advocate for parental rights. He is against radical sex ed, and the teaching of transgender ideology in schools.

Taylor also opposes Liberal Bill S-206 which seeks to criminalize parents who use spanking as a disciplinary technique with their children. This bill is a serious threat to parental rights in Canada.

NOTE: Always make your voting decision based on the merit of your local candidates, not the Party Leaders. If a local candidate in your riding has a green light rating from Campaign Life Coalition, vote for them, even if the Party Leader disappoints.

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