Sanctity of Human Life
- The Party’s official policy declaration explicitly condemns sex-selective abortions.
- Party policy declaration supports a Born Alive Infant Protection Act that would require babies who survive abortion be given life-saving medical care.
- A conflict exists between the Policy Platform and the Party Constitution, with respect to an abortion law. The Constitution (good) describes as a guiding principle of the party: “A belief in the value and dignity of all human life”, whereas the policy declaration (bad) states that “A Conservative Government will not support any legislation to regulate abortion”.
- The Party policy declaration pledges to implement a "National Adoption Strategy, including an awareness campaign to promote adoption". This is a great policy which, if implemented, would actually reduce the number of abortions in Canada.
- Campaign platform pledges that a People's Party government will do two things:
#1) "Foster a National Debate on Abortion" and "Challenge other political parties to explain why they believe killing a healthy and viable unborn child is morally acceptable and should remain legal."
#2) Introduce a "Protection of Preborn Children Act... where abortion is gradually restricted after the first trimester and late late-term abortions are prohibited except in exceptional circumstances".
- The party is open to pro-life candidates and has pledged to allow pro-life private members bills to be put forward.
- Supports abortion-on-demand throughout all 9 months of pregnancy, up to the moment of birth.
- The Liberals were responsible for legalizing the form of murder known as euthanasia, and unleashing on Canada a nightmarish death culture wherein people are being approved for lethal injection because they can't pay their bills, are having trouble finding housing, suffer with mental illness and other slippery slope scenarios that the Liberals denied could ever happen when they were pushing legislation to repeal the Criminal Code prohibition on assisted suicide. Thanks to legalization of euthanasia by the Liberals, multiple Canadian veterans were denied funding for assisted living services (e.g. wheel chair lift, counselling), but were told that the government would be happy to fund their death via lethal injection.
- Supports abortion-on-demand throughout all 9 months of pregnancy, up to the moment of birth.
- Bans pro-life Canadians from running as NDP candidates.
- Would withhold federal healthcare funding for any province that dares to implement any kind of regulatory barrier to abortion.
- Supports abortion – on – demand throughout all 9 months of pregnancy, up to the moment of birth
- Bans pro life Canadians from running as Green Party candidates

Funding Abortion Overseas
- Official policy is that “abortion should be explicitly excluded from Canada’s maternal & child health program in countries where Canadian aid is delivered”.
- Has pledged to "abolish international development aid" by Canada, with the exception of emergency humanitarian action in cases such as conflicts and natural disasters. This would indirectly end taxpayer funding of overseas abortions, which would be a very good thing indeed.
In 2017, diverted 650 million taxpayer dollars to fund abortions & abortion advocacy in other countries. In 2019, Liberals pledged a further $700 million.
Says that the “right to abortion is… at the core of our foreign policy”.
- Supports taxpayer funding of international abortions
- Supports taxpayer funding of international abortions

- Opposes euthanasia legalization
- Opposes extension of euthanasia to underage children, the depressed, those who are not mentally competent
- No official policy statement on euthanasia.
- Supports giving doctors the power to lethally inject their patients.
- Liberal government legalized this form of homicide in 2016.
- Liberals ordered a study directed at legalizing child euthanasia.
- Supports giving doctors the power to lethally inject their patients.
- Opposes euthanasia & assisted suicide under any circumstances.
- Supports giving doctors the power to lethally inject their patients.

Conscience Rights
- Supports “conscience rights for doctors, nurses, and others to refuse to participate in, or refer their patients for abortion, assisted suicide, or euthanasia”.
- No official policy statement on protecting the conscience rights of healthcare workers so they cannot be coerced to participate in abortion, euthanasia, puberty blockers or mutilating sex-change surgery.
- Opposes conscience rights for healthcare workers.
- Asks employers applying to the federal Summer Jobs funding program to sign a pro-abortion loyalty oath.
- Opposes conscience rights for healthcare workers.
- Supports freedom of conscience for medical professionals.
- No official policy statement on conscience rights

Definition of Marriage
- Conservative policy declaration is officially neutral on the definition of marriage
- No official party policy statement exists. However, Leader Maxime Bernier is opposed to the true definition of marriage between one man and one woman, and has thrown his support behind homosexual so-called "marriage".
- Officially opposes the natural definition of marriage between one man + one woman
- Officially opposes the natural definition of marriage between one man + one woman
- Supports the natural definition of marriage as the union of one man + one woman.
- Officially opposes the natural definition of marriage

Free Speech
- Official party policy is to “promote legislation designed to protect freedom of speech & freedom of expression in Canada”
- Will narrow the hate speech definition to consist only of speech which "advocates the use of force against identifiable groups or persons based on protected criteria such as religion, race, ethnicity, sex, or sexual orientation".
- Repeal any existing legislation curtailing free speech.
- Block the Section 13 ‘censorship provision’ Liberals are planning to bring back.
- Repeal Bill C-11 which could be used to regulate user content on streaming platforms.
- Opposes free speech. Have said they’ll look at legislation to force social media firms to remove “hateful and extremist content”, an overbroad label likely to target pro-life & biblical beliefs on human sexuality, which we already know the Liberal Party considers “hateful”.
- No official policy statement on free speech

Compelled Speech
The official Policy Declaration opposes the state forcing citizens to speak words in which they do not believe. In a veiled reference to Liberal Bill C-16 which compels Canadians to utter made-up ‘transgender’ pronouns, the policy declaration reads: “Compelled speech in any form is a violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Individual freedoms of thought, belief, opinion, and expression supercede all compelled speech”.
- 2025 platform includes repealing the totalitarian Bill C-16 which requires Canadians to utter made-up, transgender pronouns like “zhe”, “zhir” and "they".
- Believes in forcing Canadians to utter words in which they do not believe, in violation of their consciences, with respect to the “preferred personal pronouns” of gender-confused persons.
- Opposes compelled speech.
- Supports compelled speech, in particular, forcing Canadians to utter made-up transgender pronouns they do not believe in, like “Zhe” and “Zhir”.

Free Votes
- Allows Conservative MPs & Cabinet Ministers to vote their conscience on abortion, euthanasia & the definition of marriage.
- Allows free votes on moral issues & matters of conscience.
- Liberal MPs not allowed to vote their conscience. Must vote the party line, in favor of abortion & LGBT ideology.
- NDP MPs not allowed to vote their conscience. Must vote the party line in favor of abortion & LGBT ideology.

Transgender Ideology
- Official party policy opposes the invasion of biological males into female sports and intimate spaces, stating:
"The Conservative Party of Canada believes that women are entitled to the safety, dignity, and privacy of single-sex spaces (e.g., prisons, shelters, locker rooms, washrooms) and the benefits of women-only categories (e.g., sports, awards, grants, scholarships)".
- Official party policy supports banning child sex-change, stating:
"A Conservative government will protect children by prohibiting life altering medicinal or surgical interventions on minors under 18 to treat gender confusion or dysphoria".
- Would "outlaw the mutilation of minors" by modifying the Criminal Code to "outlaw the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and any form of bodily mutilation on minors with the goal of 'transitioning' to another sex". Furthermore, any person "encouraging minors to 'transition' will be held criminally responsible for attempting to cause harm".
- Would repeal Bill C-4, the so-called "conversion therapy ban" which aims to jail parents, therapists and pasters who help minors who suffer from gender dysphoria accept their bodily reality.
Supports the anti-scientific theories of gender identity & gender expression.
In 2017, the Liberal government enshrined gender theory in law.
- Opposes transgender ideology.
- Defends the privacy & security rights of girls to have female only spaces without the presence of males.

Parental Rights
- No official policy for or against the previous Liberal Senate anti-spanking Bill, S-206, which sought to criminalize parents who use spanking or physical restraint as a technique to discipline their children.
- No official policy for or against the former Liberal anti-spanking Bill, S-206, which sought to criminalize parents who use spanking or physical restraint as a technique to discipline their children.
Liberals want to criminalize parents who use reasonable force in rearing and correcting their children.
Liberal Senators moved bill S-206 to outlaw corporal discipline by parents.
Under the proposed Liberal law, parents who discipline children with a spank can be charged with “assault”.
- NDP supports criminalizing parents who use reasonable force in rearing and correcting their children.
- Opposes the Liberal plan to criminalize parents with Bill S-206, which would treat spanking or physical restraint of a child as “assault”.

Legalizing Drugs
Has no official policy, but in 2017, Conservative MPs voted almost unanimously against legalizing marijuana. Additionally, there is no official policy on the decriminalization of all drugs, nor on so-called "safe injection sites", although the party leader has spoken out against the Liberals' drug decriminalization catastrophe in B.C.
No official policy exists. However, the leader, Maxime Bernier, supports marijuana decriminalization, a dangerous gateway drug to harder drugs like crack, cocaine and crystal meth.
- Passed Bill 45 which legalized marijuana, the dangerous & highly-addictive gateway drug to harder narcotics. It permits 12-yr-olds to possess up to 10 joints.
- At its 2018 policy convention, Liberal party members passed a resolution to decriminalize possession and consumption of ALL illegal drugs, including cocaine, heroin, crack, fentanyl, etc.
- Supports decriminalizing marijuana, the dangerous & highly-addictive gateway drug to harder narcotics like cocaine and heroin.
Supports the decriminalization of ALL drugs including heroin, crack, cocaine, crystal meth and fentanyl.

Rejects legalizing prostitution, explaining: “We declare that human beings are not objects to be enslaved, bought or sold.”
Has a strong policy promising tough criminal legislation against human traffickers, pedophiles and groomers.
- Supports decriminalizing the buying and selling of women for sex.
- Supports decriminalizing the buying and selling of women for sex.
- Opposes the buying and selling of women for sex.