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Side-by-Side Candidate Comparison in the Riding of Flamborough - Glanbrook

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Dan has a perfect pro-life voting record so far, and is known to be pro-life.

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This candidate has not yet responded to CLC’s 2021 federal election questionnaire, so candidate's views on our issues are not yet known.

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Official policy is pro-abortion and anti-traditional marriage. In fact, Trudeau's new candidate selection process, instituted May 7, 2014, forbids any pro-life Canadians from running as Liberal Party candidates. The only way they would be allowed to run, is if they promise to vote in favour of abortion whenever such legislation comes up.

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Official NDP policy is pro-abortion & pro-LGBT ideology
Dan Muys(Conservative) Bill Panchyshyn(People's Party Of Canada) Vito Sgro(Liberal) Lorne Newick(New Democrat)
CLC Rating Pro-lifeUnknownPro-abortionPro-abortion, pro-LGBT ideology
RATING COMMENTS: Dan has a perfect pro-life voting record so far, and is k...

This candidate has not yet responded to CLC’s 2021 fede...

Official policy is pro-abortion and anti-traditional marr...

Official NDP policy is pro-abortion & pro-LGBT ideology

1. Do you believe life begins at conception (fertilization)? no responseNo response----
2. Are there any circumstances under which you believe a woman should have access to abortion? no responseNo responseAll circumstances (based on Trudeau edict)All circumstances (based on party's pro-abortion position)
3. If elected, would you vote in favour of a law to protect all unborn children from the time of conception (fertilization) onward? no responseNo responseNo (based on Trudeau edict)No (per party policy)
4. If elected, will you vote to pass laws protecting people from euthanasia and assisted-suicide, and vote to reject laws that would expand euthanasia and assisted-suicide? no responseNo response----
5. Do you support the conscience rights of health care professionals to refuse to do or refer for medical procedures which they oppose? no responseNo response----

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Official Green Party policy is pro-abortion and pro-LGBT ideology.
Thomas Hatch(Green)
CLC Rating Pro-abortion, pro-LGBT ideology
RATING COMMENTS: Official Green Party policy is pro-abortion and pro-LGBT ...

1. Do you believe life begins at conception (fertilization)? --
2. Are there any circumstances under which you believe a woman should have access to abortion? All circumstances (per party policy)
3. If elected, would you vote in favour of a law to protect all unborn children from the time of conception (fertilization) onward? No (per party policy)
4. If elected, will you vote to pass laws protecting people from euthanasia and assisted-suicide, and vote to reject laws that would expand euthanasia and assisted-suicide? --
5. Do you support the conscience rights of health care professionals to refuse to do or refer for medical procedures which they oppose? --
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