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Side-by-Side Candidate Comparison in the Riding of Cloverdale - Langley City

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In June 2021, this MP rightly voted in favour of pro-life Bill C-233, introduced by Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall, to outlaw the horrific practice of sex-selective abortion, in which unborn babies are killed for no other reason than their sex.

Also in June 2021, this principled MP voted against Justin Trudeau’s parental prosecution bill, C-6, which seeks to put parents in jail up to 5 years if they dare to affirm their gender-confused child in their biological sex.

Prior to becoming an MP, Ms. Jansen gave perfect answers to CLC's 2019 election questionnaire in an interview with a CLC leader.

During the 2020 CPC Leadership race, MP Jansen endorsed Leslyn Lewis, the pro-life, pro-family leadership candidate who was also supported by CLC. This is notable because many other pro-life MPs, disappointingly, endorsed the pro-abortion Peter MacKay and Erin O’Toole.

Though narrowly being edged out of her seat in the 2021 federal election by a Trudeau-Liberal candidate, Ms. Jansen easily won back her MP's seat by a huge margin in the December 2024 by-election to replace that Liberal MP, who had resigned.

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Previously, Mr. McMurtry was an Independent candidate in the 2024 BC provincial election. CLC's 2025 federal election questionnaire not yet sent.

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Official NDP policy is pro-abortion & pro-LGBT ideology.

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Official Green Party policy is pro-abortion and pro-LGBT ideology.
Tamara Jansen(Conservative) Jim McMurtry(People's Party Of Canada) Vanessa Sharma(New Democrat) Daniel Davies(Green)
CLC Rating Pro-lifeUnknownPro-abortion, pro-LGBT ideologyPro-abortion, pro-LGBT ideology
RATING COMMENTS: In June 2021, this MP rightly voted in favour of pro-life...

Previously, Mr. McMurtry was an Independent candidate in ...

Official NDP policy is pro-abortion & pro-LGBT ideology.<...

Official Green Party policy is pro-abortion and pro-LGBT ...

1. Do you believe life begins at conception (fertilization)? Yessurvey not yet sent----
2. Are there any circumstances under which you believe a woman should have access to abortion? No (based on interview)survey not yet sentAll circumstances (based on party policy)All circumstances (based on party policy)
3. If elected, would you vote in favour of a law to protect all unborn children from the time of conception (fertilization) onward? Yes (based on interview)survey not yet sentNo (based on party policy)No (based on party policy)
4. If elected, will you vote to pass laws protecting people from euthanasia and assisted-suicide, and vote to reject laws that would expand euthanasia and assisted-suicide? Yes (based on interview)survey not yet sent----
5. Do you support the conscience rights of health care professionals to refuse to do or refer for medical procedures which they oppose? Yes (based on interview)survey not yet sent----
Don't know where your local candidate
stands on life & family issues?

Send them CLC's 2025 election survey, and ask them, as a voter, to give you answers